Study Visit Program to Vietnam
At the invitation of Asian Institute of Development Studies Inc. of Vietnam, the apex financial organization of Bangladesh Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) organized an exposure cum study visit program to Vietnam from December 5 to December 19, 2007. Two PKSF high officials and twelve Executive Directors of different partner organizations including Executive Director of BEDO participated in the study visit program. It should be mentioned that all expenses of the visit program were borne by PKSF.

— Agro-forestry University at Nguyen province to see how the university is giving support to the farmers on agro-forestry system.
– Vietnam Farm Union to see the role of the Union in helping farmers as well as microfinance activities.
– Vietnam Bank for Social Policies to see how the bank is providing microfinance support to the poor.
– Can Tho University to see the university’s rural development research activities.
– Can Tho province to see how the farmers engaged in rice production and garden farming.
In the afternoon of 17th December closing ceremony was held and the members of the team were distributed certificates.