Sanitation and Safe Water Program
Since inception BEDO has been giving emphasis on water and sanitation program. In 1994 BEDO conducted a survey at Agargaon slum area with a view to know about the awareness level of slum dwellers on sanitation and safe water. The survey revealed that about 80% slum dwellers have no proper knowledge on sanitation and safe water. Later BEDO lunched awareness raising campaign in that area.
In 1995, BEDO undertook a program on sanitation on experimental basis. Under this program BEDO built To raise awareness on sanitation and proper use of sanitation facilities, BEDO conducted awareness raising training on sanitation for low-income people living in slums of Dhaka city in 1995. In March 1998 BEDO undertook a project of LGED (STIDP-11) to provide pit latrines at Gopalganj Municipal area. Under this program BEDO installed 500 pit latrines. The project activities ended in August 1999. 45 low cost sanitary latrines at the cost of Tk. 30,000/- and distributed these to the poor people of Jhitka of Manikganj district. About 450 people of 45 families were benefited due to the program.