Promoting Rights and Empowerment of Rickshaw Drivers (RDs)
The rickshaw drivers (RDs), a large community of poor people, are neglected in the society and lead a very miserable and risky life. Most of the RDs come from countryside being victimized by flood, cyclone, river erosion, famine and unemployment. The RDs lack in knowledge on primary healthcare, get frequently sick. Their health seeking behavior is very poor and generally do not go to doctors for treatment

In order to address the above issues BEDO has been working with the RDs of Dhaka city since 1995. UN ESCAP first extended financial support to BEDO for providing training to the RDs on traffic rules, road safety and healthcare through a program named Rickshaw Drivers Training Program in Dhaka City. The program started in July 1997 and continued up to February 1998. It was a pilot project as component of the main project Integration of Non-motorized transport into the Urban Transport System of Dhaka.
BEDO implemented the project Promoting Rights and Empowerment of RDs in Dhaka city under the financial support of Manusher Jonno on behalf of DFID/CARE Bangladesh from March 2004 to February 2006. BEDO trained about 23,000 Rickshaw Drivers on traffic rules, road behavior, human rights, healthcare including HIV/AIDS and alternate occupation.
Major Activities of the Project were-
• Training
• Accidental Insurance Policy
• Low cost Healthcare Services
• Capacity Building of Rickshaw Drivers and Owners Associations
• Open Discussion Meeting
• Workshop/Seminar
• Mass Awareness Campaign /Rally
• Involvement of Dhaka City Corporation Dhaka Metropolitan Police
• Disaster Management