Accidental Insurance Policy
The Non Motorized Transport (NMT) pullers are engaged in a very risky job. They often commit serious accidents during pulling NMTs that causes even death. But the victim’s families do not get any compensation either from the NMT owners or from the government. As a result, the victim’s families face serious economic crisis. In order to bring some sorts of economic security BEDO arranges accidental insurance policy for the samity members of micro-credit project from Pragati Insurance Company Ltd. Under this policy the NMT pullers get coverage of Tk. 40,000/- against yearly premium of Tk. 50.00 only. It may be mentioned that BEDO has introduced such kind of insurance policy for the first time in Bangladesh. Up to September’14 total 10,446 NMT pullers of UMC project took accidental insurance policy with the help of BEDO staffs and out of this number total 8 policy holders realized claims from the insurance company.